How would you spend your time if you knew that you had only 24 hours to live, or seven days, and not in a debilitated state. How would you use your time, knowing the value of that temporal length of event? I often look at things and have seen myself waste an awful lot of time! Doing stuff that ended up being wasteful, meaningless or even negative, and comparing with saying, doing or noting things that have had a lasting positive effect.
Wild Grasses
Horse Creek, Ashe County NC
I put an edge in that emphasis to try and draw out the critical importance of time passing. We take much for granted, like breathing, but If we pinch our noses and close our mouths, we would quickly discover how important it is to breath. So, I have discovered that it is important for me to continue painting. I haven’t painted much in the last month and I can see it has affected my thinking. When I paint, I’m constantly reminded about the fruit of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control - Galatians 5:22. Painting stimulates fruitfulness, because I’m able to meditate on the Presence and glory of God while I paint. Perhaps this is the reason I wish for my paintings to be filled with light.
Excuse my muttering on….