
Listening to a sermon, I heard the word “restraining”, in the context of Jesus restraining Himself when he was spat on, et cetera.

A definition of restraining; "Preventing giving oneself to a strong urge" implying that there is evidence of a desire to lash back. We have all experienced this, and in my own personal experience it was having a large rock thrown at me while driving in Jerusalem, which gave rise to anger that I didn't know I had.

However, I would put it to you that Jesus was not in the frame of mind or heart to direct any anger at his executioners because he was denying and dying to his self-will throughout his life in his earthly ministry. He told his disciples he was the resurrection and the life, before he encountered the cross. The prerequisite for resurrection is death, and he denied his human capacity to anger even from the time his brothers would mock him for who he was, up till the time of Gethsemane and the hours thereafter. He denied his human self-will, so that when they spat on him he had no anger towards them, because of the Grace he lived by, which he has called us to live by. Contrary to reacting to his persecutors, he cried out to his Father, "forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing". There is no forgiveness when there is anger to be restrained. Unlike sin ladened humanity, he was devoid of anything that needed restraining! We have evidence of this in Philippians 2:8. Humility yields perfectly. Grace follows. And Jesus was full of Grace and Truth. He is our forerunner, and we are to follow him as he walked.

The greatest substitutionary element in the timeline of the cross, was not physical, the nails, the lashings, the crown of thorns, but separation from his Father which he offered up as substitute for our eternal separation from the Father. Anticipating the break in fellowship gave him such stress that he sweat great drops of blood onto the ground among the dense bed of spring flowers in the Garden of Gethsemane. Here, the God-man as divine and infinite spent a finite number of hours separated from his Father, eternity, so that I didn't have to, nor anyone else living by his faith. To equate that, a finite person would have to spend an infinite length of time, eternity, in the worst condition imaginable; separation from God. Even the ardent atheist enjoys, unwittingly, God's blessings. If God removed himself from any human being, that condition is simply hell.


Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem -circa 33 AD

Gazing on the Unseen


I've been blessed out of my socks these last few days, with the realisation that; that which is invisible is more real than the stuff that we are preoccupied with in the visible. If you are an artist, you will especially know that the visible is only the surface of what we perceive with our physical eyes, as evocative as a flower might be there is much more! But "faith is the evidence of that which is unseen, the very substance of what we hope patiently for!"

Do you realise that we can gaze upon the unseen?

These are not the words of some spaced out mystic!

"So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen." Saul of Tarsus, 2 Corinthians 4:17


Passover 2020

Hebrew names are readily descriptive, unlike many names that we  use every day, like George!

Jesus' name in Hebrew is pronounced Y'shuah which has a meaning; "Salvation". It would be more descriptive in everyday terms if we used the alternate word "Help!" which we readily apply if we've fallen into a hole that we can't get out of! I'm sure that we can all relate to a scenario in our lives when we have exclaimed the word, "Help!"

Walls of Jerusalem

Walls of Jerusalem

This year, 2020, on Wednesday, April 8, is the first day of Passover, which corresponds to the day the Last Supper was eaten by Jesus and his 12 disciples. And it's quite possible that nearly 2000 years ago it was also a Wednesday evening that they celebrated what is known in Israel as the Seder meal. A few hours later, very early in the morning, one of His disciples betraying Him, led a mob which arrested Him and presented Him before Pontius Pilate and Herod who both cleared Him of the chaotic charges against Him. Nonetheless the crowd coerced for His execution by way of an excruciating process.

Little did anyone know, in that moment of time, that what they were doing to the Author of Life was predetermined from the foundation of the world. Jesus titled Himself "I Am the Resurrection and the Life", a title which would require the prerequisite of having died! And yet, more than in a figurative sense, Jesus IS the "Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world"! And attesting to His eternity, He confirmed by his more succinct title, "I Am", 

He is in the ever present, and was able to be understood as slain from the foundation of the world in the present tense. For Eternal Life has no history, as we know it!

Slain as a sacrifice for the perfect end of the matter, regarding our sins. Some falsely teach, that Jesus died for a few predestined believers, but 1 John 2:2 teaches, "He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the WHOLE world". And that must include you and me, who have come so many years later, born in time but offered opportunity to be partakers of the Divine Life!

Yes, you and I have a responsibility, and that is to turn from being ‘captains of our own souls’, towards Him and receive that Life that is freely given – a cooperating dynamic which a simple child can understand. A responsibility to ourselves, to our neighbour, to God, to turn and receive, while that opportunity is available. Because the fashions of this world are quickly passing away, before our eyes. Follow Him Who desires to be our Teacher and Overseer of our souls – as Peter said of Him, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God" and His desire is for us to know Him as our older Brother through new birth.

Yes, He is the Resurrection and the Life, for after three days and three nights He rose again, as promised. He Lives!

Grayson Highlands, VA

Latest Inspiration – recently I had a client visit, who took a photograph of Grayson Highlands, Virginia, from its nearby neighbour Western Ashe County, North Carolina.

Because I can’t get about any more, following my stroke five years ago, it was a pleasant relief to see such beauty of fall colours from a vantage point I wasn’t familiar with. Grayson Highlands was my playground in former years and I could not waste time interpreting from the photograph and a shaky hand to execute a little watercolour, measured 16” x 20”.


It is fitting to comment at a time when many people celebrate Thanksgiving. Every day is an occasion for giving thanks and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to see beauty and draw from the memories of earlier years.

“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures for ever.” Psalm 136